Journal Information

Journal title:

Journal of Technical Education and Management

Journal initial :   AJTEM   Journal Abbreviation :   ajtem

Publishing Details

Publisher :   ajtem   Online ISSN :   2590-9649    Print ISSN :   2590-9649

Journal Summary

The African Journal of Technical Education and Management (AJTEM) is an International Peer-reviewed Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary Journal of Ho Technical University which aims at advancing scholarship in the areas of Science and Engineering, Technology, Applied Sciences, Business and Management Studies and the Arts. The Journal presents a forum for reporting high-quality, original, and empirical research that contributes to the body of knowledge. The Journal publishes research findings which range from theoretical, conceptual and methodological framework to other national and international policy-oriented works. Manuscripts from academics and practitioners presenting original and current research results in the areas of Science, Engineering, and Technology are accepted for publication.